Solution For Skin That Won't Heal!

Your Health And Tech Friend

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine


Colloidal Silver Gel For Wound Care!

" ... silver gel would keep bacteria away so that skin could heal. Keeping germs off of a wound would allow it the opportunity to heal."

Hi! everyone!

This is ~~~Nancy!

It's late at night and I'm searching through my new Amazon store~ Because >I am on YouTube and make videos, I get to have a special store on Amazon Buttercups!
So I was looking through the list of products and came across this silver gel!
You know what came to mind for me? Have you seen where people get ulcers usually on their leg. Either the
upper or the lower leg. Most of the time it is people who have diabetes.
Well they have trouble getting those to heal. A silver gel see below would be the answer for this. At least for as far deep as it could reach.
It would take of a great deal of it. But it has to be sure to heal on the inside. But Maybe it would be good in the beginning stages. For any skin wound actually!
I am a cosmetologist, so I don't offer health advice. I just came across this product and wanted to share it with you! I bet that some doctors prescribe it! Check it out with your doctor!

Goodnight Buttercups! I'll get back to bed!
~~~Nancy See my Buttercup Community on Facebook!! (~go there!)

Related article:

"If you haven’t heard of colloidal silver, you will soon enough if you’re on the lookout for alternative therapies to common health issues, such as a sinus infection or a cold."

Source: Dr Josh Axe!
(~go to page)

Related Product!

American Biotech Labs Silver Gel 4oz

A friend of mine explained to me the importance
of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video
that explains how to do this and,
why you might wish to do this
if you are using apricot kernels for your health!

... to the video ...

Remember! I'm an affiliate marketer, so I receive a
small commission for products purchased through
my site! So, thank you if you do! It helps me
to keep making YouTube videos! ~~~Nancy

