Minerals From Sea Salt!

Your Health And Tech Friend


Minerals From Sea Salt! The Earth Has What We Need! ~~~Nancy

My Experience With This!

Hi everybody!
This is ~~~Nancy!

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

I am so excited about this!
The other day I found something called Solay!

Solay Water is water that is saturated with


Minerals are what helps us with all kinds
of things!

It's simple and it's easy to make!
I'll put a video below about the process and
soon I'll make my own video for you!

It's made with Himalayan Sea Salt and I have
already spoken about using a sea salt for hydration!
But Solay is a very good way to absorb the minerals!

Peace Buttercups!


Please note!
My videos will be back up shortly!
That is for me! ~~~Nancy

Related article(s):

Related material:

A friend of mine explained to me the importance
of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video
that explains how to do this and,
why you might wish to do this
if you are using apricot kernels for your health!

To My Vitamin Listing!
My use and experience! ~~~Nancy

Remember: if any products are purchased through the
sources on my website, I receive a small commission that
really helps me to keep making YouTube videos!

So if you do, thank you! ~~~Nancy
