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For Entertainment and Enlightenment!
Dog's Skin Condition ~ Natural Treatment
~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

Thuja is for people and pets!

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Today I bought some thuja occidentalis! and I'm
very excited about it! It is for my dog Patty!

Hi everybody!

This is ~~~Nancy from YouTube!

I'm using this for Patty's skin condition! It's horrible!

The Animal Protective League where we found Patty said that
her skin condition was Doggie Dermatitis. So we are
spending time in searching for natural remedies!

Thuja is a homeopathic medicine and it is supposed to work
fairly quickly! I'll keep you up to date as we use it!
There is much to tell you about Patty's health!
A pet's health conditions can be a result of other situations!

Homeopathy seems a good way to go! I've just begun to
learn about it! It's fascinating!

A related article and video will be below.
If I find a similar product to what I purchased I will
put it below as well!

About me!

Related article(s):

Thuja Occidentalis: "Acts on skin, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. Its relation to the production of pathological vegetations condylomata, warty excrescences, spongy tumors is very important. "
- abc Homeopathy

The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary
organs, producing conditions that correspond with ..."
From Dr Akram's Homeopathic Clinic

Related video(s):

HomeoPUp! Thuja occidentalis

Thuja occidentalis video!
from YouTube

Yellow Cedar is Thuja occidentalis


Here's the one I bought: it comes in two strengths.

P.S. It's good for humans too! I'll make a video soon! ~~~Nancy

Boiron Thuja Occidentalis 30C Wart Removal

it's sold as a wart remover: but it does so much more!

See my Buttercup Community at Google Plus!

P.S. Remember that I'm an Affiliate marketer so any products
purchased through my pages, will bring me a small commission.
This really helps me to keep doing what I do - making videos
and web pages of information. So, thank you! ~~~Nancy

P.P.S. I'm a cosmetologist, so this isn't health advice!

Associated Information: Millcreak Nursery Ltd est 1981

To My Vitamin Listing!

Artery Health

Every morning - almost without fail, I eat my three soft boiled eggs
(or medium - however they come out); with seasonings on them and
- of course - Olive Oil on them - because it keeps my HDL at 83!
Which is a powerfully good HDL. ... to this page ...

Why Vitamin B12 Deficiency is Often Undiagnosed?
by Chris Kresser!
