Black Seed Oil (Cumin)!
Your Health And Tech Friend!

Black Seed Oil! My Thoughts! ~~~Nancy

My Experience With This!

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

On another note: A friend of mine explained to me the importance of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health! ~~~Nancy Gurish

P.S. I'll have my video about black seed oil shortly!

Black Seed Oil seems to remedy damage from cancer, and

inflammation to the lungs. Uses and benefits are many for

Black Cumin Oil. Black Seed Oil seems to clear out the lungs, be
great for tumors, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-fungus; a powerful


Note: Here is a link to a vitamin company you could try.
Vivia Formula Defense System
VF-360 Defense System

This might be a good supplement for the immune system.
They have a system of morning, noon and night vitamins.
It seems like a good thing! ~~~Nancy *see below

Note: I'm excited about this company Vivia Formula.
I'm an affiliate now so, if anyone makes a purchase through
my site - I'll receive a small commission - so thank you if you do!
It definitely helps me to keep making YouTube videos!
Peace Buttercups! ~~~Nancy

Check out my Google Plus Buttercup Community!

To My Vitamin Listing!
My use and experience! ~~~Nancy