"I never toast mine first but I think that might bring out the nutty flavor even more.
I add 1 tsp to my son's hot oatmeal and up to 2-3 Tbs to mine.
... read more ...
"... health benefits of wheat germ include a boost to the immune system and a preventative measure against cardiovascular disease and cancer. It has anti-aging properties, and can positively affect mental agility, muscle development, stamina, and the healing rate for wounds. The nutrients in wheat germs can also aid in digestion, prevent damage to the arteries ..."
"Although wheat germ has easily digestible protein and oats have more lysine than most grains, the limiting amino acid for both wheat germ and oats is lysine, so they don't form a complete protein when they are combined. You cannot combine two foods from the same food group to form a complete protein, and both oats and wheat germ are in the grain group. ... more ...
On Another Note!
A friend of mine explained to me the importance of soaking and chewing apricot kernels. I've put together a video that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health! ~~~Nancy Gurish/