Your Health And Tech Friend

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Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine
for entertainment and enlightenment!
I hope you will find hope among other things
at my magazine!
~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi everybody!
This is ~~~Nancy!

Sheep Sorrel is one of the main ingredients in Essiac Tea!
I've had Essicac Tea in another form. The herbal tea blend
that I purchased was called Flor-Essence Tea. The folks at my
herbal health food store told me that they sell
a lot of Flor-Essence tea blend.
Two of the employees there told me they felt that the

... continue below ...

Flor-Essence is a better product than the Essiac Tea!

I believe that Flor-Essence is a very good tea blend.

I am wondering if it is because the store-bought
Essiac Tea blend is not as powerful as a home made one.

Hmmm. That would be my guess!

One day I will make my own Essiac Tea
and show you how it works!

... continue ...

Here is my video speaking about my use of Flor-Essence below
it is also at my YouTube channel, of course! ~`go

This is the Flor-Essence that I have used!
I keep the glass bottles and re-use them!

Flora Flor-essence Liquid Tea Blend 32 Ounces

"Sheep sorrel is a perennial plant that is in the buckwheat family. It reproduces by seed and by spreading horizontal roots. It is well recognized within the alternative cancer treatment community as one of the ingredients in Essiac tea."
This source is, Edible Wild Food ~`go

How To Make Essiac Tea ~`go

See also Wildflowers-And-Weeds! ~`go
"The Buckwheat family is as familiar as rhubarb or sorrel. If you grow either of these plants in your garden, then be sure to look at the flowers and seeds. The Buckwheats have simple, toothless leaves and often swollen joints, or nodes, on the stems, plus lots of small flowers in clusters or spikes."

Also an article by Dr. Axe ~`go
"This Essiac tonic is said to enable the body to effectively remove toxins and wastes, permitting for cellular renewal and revitalized health."
