I Can Thread a Needle!
Your Health And Tech Friend


Hi Buttercups!
Hi! This is ~~~Nancy!
Nancy K Gurish

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Upon taking my vitamin A supplement I
began to find that my eye sight was better!

In my later 40's I found that when I was
attempting to thread a needle, I
couldn't see the eye of the needle!

I have spoken about this on video in
2013 see below!

Vitamin A and Better Eye Sight! ~`

Emulsified Vitamins bypass the liver so
they are easier on the body! see below*

12500 IU Emulsified Vitamin A
Emulsified Vitamin D3 Liquid
Organic Raw Apricot Kernels

Peace Buttercups!

See my Amazon Store!
~~~Nancy's Buttercup Community! ~`

* I'm not in medicine, so this isn't health advice!

On Another Note!
A friend of mine explained to me the importance of soaking and chewing apricot kernels. I've put together a video that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health! To the article

To my video.
Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy

