Your Health And Tech Friend


Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine

A Jet Tub and Epsom Salts!

~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor.

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi everybody!

This is ~~~Nancy from YouTube!

This is me! Well, our jet tub came in handy tonight!

The other day my husband gave our dogs a bath!
Both of them, Patty and Sally! see video below! Well after bending
over scrubbing them for that length of time, later on that day he
found that he had aggravated the sciatic area in his back.
Something that hadn't bothered him in some time!
Well he didn't want to use DMSO
this morning before work because of the smell.
Night time is a good time to use DMSO!

DMSO smells pretty strongly like garlic! It isn't something
you want to smell like if you need to go among people!

On to the point, our jet tub came in handy tonight!

Along with my favorite thing!

Epsom Salt!

I drink it every day, you know, if you know me!
Well, luckily I had about 3 cups left in the Epsom Salts bag!

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My husband doesn't like the lavender Epsom Salts, he
prefers the regular! I'll look up our jet tub and put a link to
one like it, down below. We got ours at Home Depot a few
years ago and it's been very welcome in our house! Every now
and then, I get into a hot Lavender Epsom Salts bath!

Peace Buttercups!
American Standard

EverClean 5ft x 32in
Right Drain Whirlpool Tub in White

You have to know if you need a
right or left side drain! ~~~Nancy

Here's Patty's and Sally's first video!

On another note!

Artery Health

Every morning - almost without fail, I eat my three soft boiled eggs
(or medium - however they come out); with seasonings on them and
- of course - Olive Oil on them - because it keeps my HDL at 83!
Which is a powerfully good HDL. ... to this page ...

Articles And Sources!
"The health benefits of Epsom salt date back to their discovery in the English town of Epsom during Shakespearean times. Soaking in Epsom salt can reduce swelling, ease muscle and joint pain, and help your circulatory system function more effectively, according to the Epsom Salt Council."

Taken from Livestrong! (~go)
