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Your Health And Tech Friend

Staying Healthy in Body, Mind And Soul!

East Entrance

Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine

East Entrance!

This morning I used a writing prompt as part of my morning meditation time!

The topic/prompt was: Write about something presently in your life that is 'worth it'! See my response below!

East Entrance!

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

This morning I used a writing prompt as part of my morning meditation time!

The topic/prompt was: Write about something presently in your life that is 'worth it'!

Here is my response:

Oh my! So many aspects of my life are so very worth it! I couldn't begin to list them here! But, if I had to choose, I'd put my morning, daily readings at the top of the list.

Reading a scripture, or spiritual message each morning, helps me to 'stay in the day'.

Living in this day only, helps to make life manageable.

When I forget to stay in the day I tend to take on the worries of the future or the troubles of the past!

Live in this day - you won't regret it!

My writing prompt book is: Look at it on Amazon
Daily Writing Prompt Journal

One of my daily reading books are: See them on Amazon
Daily Meditations w/the Holy Spirit

See one of my videos below or on YouTube!

"Everyone fidgets...except maybe for those guards in front of Buckingham Palace.
Whether it's touching your hair, biting your nails, playing with your clothing
or spinning pens in your hands, you probably fidget many, many times a day.
Herein lies the reason why the fidget spinner has become the latest toy craze among"

... read more ... article by Bruce Y. Lee - Forbes Magazine

Live for just one day: See 'Brainy Quotes'

image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, bentonite clay bottle bentonite clay bottle
image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, gold colored colloidal silver
image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, winding road
image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, grassy ground
image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, lake gethsamane kentucky
image taken by nancy k gurish, editor of your health and tech friend magazine, colorful engine room from steamship

Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment and enlightenment. This magazine is not a source of medical help. Please use your individual discretion when reading articles within these pages which pertain to health. The health and medical articles are from a variety of sources. Please seek out the source of each article for the credentials of the author(s). Thank you, ~~~Nancy Gurish

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A Julialanan Production LLC | 2010 USA~~~Nancy Gurish.

Disclaimer- The information on this site is intended for educational
purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
It is not intended as medical advice or to replace the advice or attention of health care
professionals. You may wish to consult your physician before beginning or making changes
in your diet, nutritional supplementation or exercise program. The statements on this web
site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

A Julialanan Production LLC | 2010 USA ~~~Nancy Gurish.

Your Health And Tech Friend