Your Health And Tech Friend
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A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi everybody!
This is ~~~Nancy
I'm working in a McDonalds, using their WiFi
which I do now and then!
Usually I bring my 'Oil Vitamins' with me wherever I go!
Today I forgot them! And I'm out of ...
my Apple Pectin too! (Apple Pectin keeps arteries clean!)
Recently I spoke on video about the cholesterol pocket
on my eyes - I avoid them and/or get rid of them, depending
on my diet and which supplements I take~ For example
today I had a hash brown - McDonald's version of a hash brown.
Earlier at home I had my 3 soft boiled eggs: I put olive oil
and sea salt (when I have it) on them! That keeps my
high density lipoprotein (HDL) in a very good place (~79 - 83!).
From now on I will keep my oil vitamins in a small
container that I can keep in my purse!
My cholesterol numbers - as I get older are different from
when I was young. I'll talk on video soon about why this
happens. From time to time the reason for it comes to mind!
We aren't educated on this in school but we should be!
Peace Buttercups!
"Are high density lipoprotein (HDL) and triglyceride levels relevant in stroke prevention?" ... more ..." Remember! This isn't health advice - it's just what I do!. ~~~Nancy
Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment and enlightenment! I hope you will find hope among other things at my magazine! ~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor.
What Happened to Carrie Fisher?
"My recent area of interest is on the farm. Actually, it’s in the soil. I live on a farm and am conducting research on how to grow nutrient-dense food and nutrient-dense animals—and it all starts IN the soil." ~Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.