Top Four Sections!

Front Door!

Nancy K Gurish

Hi! This is ~~~Nancy

Welcome to the Front Door of my magazine!

Your Health And Tech Friend is an Internet Magazine for entertainment and enlightenment!
I'm searching for ways to stay healthy in body, mind and soul, through natural means!

The ...

Remember that I am a cosmetologist who is interested in staying healthy ~ through natural means!
It's not advice, it's just what I do! ~~~Nancy

Apricot Kernels! Soaking And Chewing Them!

picture of a black Amish style horse and buggy on a beautiful day with a bright blue sky.

This is a very popular page within the magazine! On this page I share my knowledge and experience in using apricot kernels! There is a specific technique for preparing them through soaking! ~~~Nancy

Health Conditions!

In my Health Conditions department I speak about conditions that I may have experience with! Or situations I feel would benefit from supplements that I am familiar with! From arthritis, and bladder troubles to Morgellons Disease!


Knowing your saliva pH can head off a lot of troubles! ~` ~~~Nancy

See the Front Porch Entrance! ~go here!

Related article(s):

20 Natural Ways To Stay Healthy!