Your Health And Tech Friend

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Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine~
Entertainment and enlightenment!
~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi everybody! This is ~~~Nancy from YouTube

Saliva pH To Detect Cancer

Hey there Buttercups! My saliva pH has been my friend! In the past years I have become familiar with testing my pH so that when it went South I knew I was in trouble! Learn how to test your pH! You won't be sorry! Below is my video where I speak to how I understand cancer! Some people have said that I am on the right track! The video that comes up next after this one is about how saliva pH is related to cancer!
Note! There is a helpful video below for you!
... continue below ...


Saliva and Urine pH Test Strips!

Related Video!

Related article(s):
"The Saliva PH test is a simple test you can do to measure your susceptibility to cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and many other degenerative diseases."

A step toward a saliva test for cancer!
When such a substance binds to DNA, it changes the DNA so that genes may not work normally. Our body has a built-in repair system that can naturally clear up such damage. If that system fails, however, a DNA adduct could lead to mutations or genetic changes that, in turn, could lead to cancer. ~` read more

On Another Note:

Home School!
Don't let anyone make fun of -
or ridicule your home school High School Diploma.

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