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Devotional Doorway! YHTF Magazine

"Praise God for all you have and trust Him for all of your wants ..."

Devotional Doorway Index

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A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

The Devotional Doorway! ~~~Nancy Gurish

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.


Devotional Doorway Index

Blessed Mother Mary And Her Cousin ElisabethDaily Gospel Reflections: I love the details embedded in this gospel. John is meticulous about bringing us into the scene on Easter morning: we witness his race against Peter,
Catholic Mom, Discussion Groups, Forums, Recipes, Family, Prayer Requests, Catholic Faith

the position of the burial cloths, and who went into the tomb first. It is, of course, important to note that John, despite being the Beloved Disciple and beating Peter to the tomb, still stopped and waited for the head of the church before going inside. John knew who was in charge, and reinforces that in his gospel. ... read more ...

I will look forward to seeing you at my Facebook Community! ~`


"Praise God for all you have and trust Him for all of your wants ..."

To the Cover Page! (Start)

nancy k gurish holding up camera with tumor growth in the screen image melanoma
gold colored colloidal silver
little drunk by a lamp post black suit top hat
grassy ground
yellow and purple flowers in the grass
colorful engine room from steamship

Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment and enlightenment. This magazine is not a source of medical help. Please use your individual discretion when reading articles within these pages which pertain to health. The health and medical articles are from a variety of sources. Please seek out the source of each article for the credentials of the author(s). Thank you, ~~~Nancy Gurish

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A Julialanan Production LLC | 2010 USA~~~Nancy Gurish.

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