Treat Yourself To A Retreat At Home! Do It For Yourself! ~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor
A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Have you ever been on an overnight retreat? I have!
It's the best thing you can do for yourself if you you get the opportunity! I recommend it! There is an alternative that I can also suggest! Take a day off at home and plan a retreat for yourself in your own home! If you can have the house to yourself for a day! Try and make that happen so you can do this!
- 1) Shut all phones off!
- 2) Don't even think of answering the door!
- 3) Wear very comfortable clothing!
- 4) Have some meditative reading material ready.
- 5) Plan something special to eat, treat yourself.
- 6) Play soft music, instrumental - no words.
- 7) Take an epsom salts lavender bath.
- 8) Lay on a couch with your feet up and be still.
- 9) Pray quietly.
I got so relaxed just writing this plan out!
Maybe I'll do mine tomorrow!
Ooops! Can't do it tomorrow!
Maybe in another month when I can get the house to myself again!
Goodnight Buttercups and others! ~`~~~Nancy
Definitely I want to do this!!!
I'd cook salmon for myself! ~`Food And Beverage Section
... more below ...
And have some hot mulled cider! Sound good!? ~ I actually own some Lavender Espom salts, that's why I thought of it. I'll put a link below~ It's the one I have. I did take a bath with it - it's beautiful Buttercups!
~~~Nancy Peace Buttercups! On another note! Artery Health Every morning - almost without fail, I eat my three soft boiled eggs (or medium - however they come out); with seasonings on them and, of course - Olive Oil on them - because it keeps my HDL at 83! Which is a powerfully good HDL. ... to this page ... To my video: Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy