Success Is In The Struggle YHTF
Your Health And Tech Friend

Wisdom And Strength Will Come!


A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi there!
This is ~~~Nancy!
Nancy K Gurish

Struggles Are Normal

It is natural and normal to struggle in life. It is normal to have ups and downs, and high's and low's in our walk.

The Winning Is In The Striving

Having serenity in your soul doesn't mean the absence of problems. The struggle is real and we all face it.

The winning is in the consistent striving for growth and development of a good sound prayer life.

As we grow spiritually and mature, the high's aren't as high and the low's aren't as low.

Gain Wisdom And Strength

Some of the results of growing spiritually is that of gaining wisdom and building strength of character. These traits help to make us strong so that we can face difficulties with grace and serenity.

Use The Tools!

The way to grow spiritually is to pray and use some of the tools avaiilable. Reading from a daily reader is one way to continue on a path of spiritual progress. ~`Buy A Good Daily Reader

Pray the Rosary!

For me, I say the rosary - and I have made some progress in saying these prayers on a daily basis. ~`The Seven Sorrows Rosary

The Video

It is Normal To Struggle! `~

I have a preferred product listing at the bottom of this, and every page in my magazine!
... more below ...

On another note!
Intermitant fasting, not eating in between meals can be one first healthy step in healing from any condition. ~`to this page

Please see my Preferred Products section below!
Please follow this link to see a Tee Shirt that I have designed on Amazon! ~~~Nancy
Please note!
I'm not in medicine! I am a Cosmetologist and I'm interested in staying healthy through natural means! ~~~Nancy
On another note!

A friend of mine explained to me the importance
of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video
that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health!


Image of Nancy Gurish, Editor of Your Health And Tech Friend MagazinePreferred Products
Amazing Cod Liver Oil
Black Seed Oil
Magnesium Optimizer (w/Potassium)
Vitamin C W/Bioflavonoids
Magnesium Glycinate
Vitamin D3 w/K2 as Mk7

To Cover Page (Start)!

To my video:
Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy

P.P.S. Cranberry for heart and arteries! ~`to this page
