Your Health And Tech Friend
Entertainment and enlightenment!


A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi everybody!
This is ~~~Nancy!
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Pneumonia the Pneumococcal type especially affects those among us who are 65 years or older!

At this moment, yours truly is 63 years old!

What can help to prevent pneunomia?

They say the usual things, good nutrition, exercise and getting good sleep can help to stave off this condition!

But, I know there is more that I can do to avoid having something like pneumonia set into my lungs!

What I do for prevention?

For me, the answer is taking supplements!

Taking supplements every day has become part of my lifestyle. It's become a habit - but it took some time for me to understand how each of the supplements work! ~`Supplements section.

The reason that nutritional supplements work for a condition like pneunomia is that all minerals, and the vital vitamins - help to boost the immune system!

What do minerals do?

Some minerals are specific to keeping infection away, because they stop the replication or production of bacteria! This particular pneumonia has a bacterial origin!

It is said that our immune system weakens with age!

This is why persons who are , on the other side of 65, are most affected by pneumococcal pneumonia!

How does Zinc help?

Zinc is one of the minerals that keeps bacteria from reproducing; it stops the growth of bacterial cells!

At one time, I had a cough in the middle of the night; one that was persistent, I took a capful of a liquid zinc and it stopped the cough.

What about Colloidal Silver?

Something else that would offer protection against a bacterial infection is a small amount of, i.e., for me; 1/4th teaspoon of colloidal silver before bed time!
Even just spritzing some silver at the back of the throat would be some help!

Copper kills fungus!

A liquid colloidal copper is an anti-fungal substance that is useful to avoiding certain types of infection!

I'm not in medicine, I am a Cosmetologist and I am interested in staying healthy through natural means!

Minerals and vitamins are invaluable for staying healthy - and avoiding sickness! They stop inflammation!

My family and I have become very well versed in the use of these types of supplements for health and healing!

In the case of minerals, the only precaution to use is allergy! Some people can be allergic to copper as an example! Or to silver!

There are patch tests that can be done! A small amount of a liquid zinc as example, can be applied to the inside crook of the arm, to test for a skin reaction!

This isn't health adivice! It's just what I do, and then I share my experience with you!

Pneumococcal pneumonia can frequently be the result of the many common illnesses that we struggle with, especially as we get older.

P.S. Don't take zinc on an empty stomach! I did! Ouch! ~`more

Pneumococcal pneumonia is a type of bacterial pneumonia that is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is the most common bacterial pneumonia found in adults, the most common type of community-acquired pneumonia, and one of the common types of pneumococcal infection. The estimated number of Americans with pneumococcal pneumonia is 900,000 annually, with almost 400,000 cases hospitalized.

My license is that of a managing cosmetologist, so I don't offer health advice! ~`Nancy

This is only what I do, and I pass the information on to you!

By the way! One of my most popular videos is just below!


Image of Nancy Gurish, Editor of Your Health And Tech Friend MagazinePreferred Products

Colloidal Silver w/a Dropper
Colloidal Silver, w/a Vertical Spray
Ionid Liquid Zinc w/a Dropper
Turmeric Curcumin w/Bioperine 1500mg
Vitamin C W/Rose Hips & Bioflavonoids

