Your Health And Tech Friend


A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi there!
This is ~~~Nancy!
Nancy K Gurish

Age Spots Are Mold!

Age Spots? Liver Spots?

Getting in to my '30's' in life was an experience, I began to think about fine lines on my face, gray hair and these brown spots that began to appear on the back of my hands!

As we age, at first it is tempting to buy in to the words of our elders, and they had always referred to brown spots as liver spots; as if they had something to do with the liver!

You can listen to this page!
Please note! The audio file will be posted here shortly!

Think For Yourself!

As I get older I find that I need to think for myself, I look to ways to prevent sickness, and to reverse illness through the use of good foods and supplements! But this is a process.

It's Just Mold!

One day I was sitting at a table with a few friends and the topic came up! The brown spots some of us were developing on our hands! And a good friend said to me as she pointed at my hands:

"You know, those are mold!"

And, I said: "What?"

And she repeated: "Mold!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! But, immediately I began to think about what this meant! And, more importantly, what I would or could do about it.

What Will Help?

Mold is oxidation! It means that tissues, or cells are being damaged by exposure to air; and, to the breakdown of the skin cells.

The breakdown would be happening because of loss of minerals and/or to the effects of not having enough minerals in the diet!

Colloidal Silver

And the first mineral that came to mind was colloidal silver. I'd been using colloidal silver for just a year or two when I heard about this, and I knew that silver would help! Colloidal Silver Section I hadn't used very much silver, and only used it now and then!

So, I began to take silver on a most regular basis, just a small amount such as a teaspoon per day!

And my brown spots began to disappear!

Antioxidants And Minerals

It is my opinion that a good multi-mineral would do this as well, Minerals will both treat and prevent the breakdown of cells and the oxidative damage that may begin to happen as we age!

Most minerals are anti-oxidants! Minerals are health; taking minerals into the body, each and every day is vital to maintaining good health!

Vitamins C And E

Vitamin C would be a great vitamin and anti-oxidant to take for prevention and treatment of cellular damage! A Vitamin C with rosehips and bioflavonoids is essential, as ascorbic acid by itself will not do the whole job! ~`Real Vitamin C

See my Product Listing below!

Vitamin E is another great supplement for treatment of age spots! Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamins so it must be taken with food! A trace mineral combination is another very healthful supplement! ~`Fat Soluble Vitamins

What Do I Do?

I do take minerals each and every single day; magnesium is at the top of the list of supplements that I take daily! I also take, C, E and D3 with K2 on a regular basis.

Magnesium has a great deal of benefits for good healthy living! Potassium is my second go to mineral! Boron is helpful for the brain and memory health!

The Video

On Another Note!

"I began to have panic attacks and a lot of anxiety! So - I have some thoughts to share about this. Through the years I have discovered that I also have Adult ADD. And Obsessive compulsive disorder. There were times when I knew that I didn't wish my life on my worst enemy~ But I have come out the other side! And that's what I have to share! ~`read more

Peace Buttercups!~`to my Facebook page

Please note: This is not health advice. I'm a Cosmetologist and I am interested in ways to stay healthy through natural means! And then I share my experience with you! ~`My Disclaimer Page

Image of Nancy Gurish, Editor of Your Health And Tech Friend MagazinePreferred Products
Vitamin C W/Rose Hips And Bioflavonoids
Colloidal Silver W/A Dropper
Dr. Mercola's Complete 70 Billion Probiotic

To Cover Page (Start)!

... more below ...

Please note: This is not health advice. I'm a Cosmetologist and I am interested in ways to stay healthy through natural means! And then I share my experience with you! ~`My Disclaimer Page

Image of Nancy Gurish, Editor of Your Health And Tech Friend MagazinePreferred Products
Dr. Berg's Apple Cider Vinegar Powder for Gas and Bloating
Liquid Probiotic Formula for Men and Women
Dr. Mercola's Complete 70 Billion Probiotic

To my video:
Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy
