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"... I know how to get argyria, you have to really work at it to have it actually happen!
"An American woman whose skin turned silver after using nose drops is warning people of the dangers of medicines containing the metal. (See '~~~Nancy's note below) Rosemary Jacobs, 71, has lived with the irreversible skin condition argyria for 60 years and it has blighted her life." ... taken from ... Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment and enlightenment. This magazine is not a source of medical help. Please use your individual discretion when reading articles within these pages which pertain to health. The health and medical articles are from a variety of sources. Please seek out the source of each article for the credentials of the author(s). Thank you, ~~~Nancy Gurish