Devotional Doorway Department YHTF

your health and tech friend magazineSorrowful Mother Shrine!

The Sorrowful Mother Shrine

Your Health And Tech Friend


A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
A Beautiful Place To Retreat! ~~~Nancy
See my video images set to music below!.
Hi there!
This is ~~~Nancy!
Nancy K Gurish
Ooo! They hold special events there Buttercups! ~` at the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Ohio. ~`
I've been there on a day trip
with one of the churches I belong to!

They also have special Novenas, ~` which I would love
to attend! I've got a trip planned to attend
the beautiful shrine and
this time I am treating a friend
to the experience! She and I will spend
three wonderful days walking through
the grounds among the beautiful woods
at the beautiful shrine!

This Shrine to the Blessed Mother is
situated on 120 acres of woods
and lawns in Southern Ohio! There is a
regular church building,
as well as an outdoor chapel!

See my video below~

... more below ...

The images in this video were taken on my
first trip to the shrine!
This trip was right after a storm that
came through the area, and a tornado ripped
through the grounds of the shrine!

The chapel and church were not harmed, however
many trees were lost in the storm!

Popular Products!

Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother
Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Statue
Rosary of the Seven Sorrows w/Wood Beads from Italy

Related article(s):

What are Signal Graces? ~`
"Your signal can be physical or may affect your senses,
... by receiving signs that you are on the right track,
or it can 'keep you in line' for staying on God's path.
I've received signal graces ..."
~~~Nancy ~`

The Sorrowful Mother Shrine is the oldest place of pilgrimage
dedicated to the Blessed Mother in the Midwest and east of the
Mississippi River in the U.S.A. Near Bellevue Ohio! ~`

... more below ...

"The Sorrowful Mother Shrine near Bellevue, Ohio, USA is an inspiring place of prayer where God and nature touch. Wild flowers and planted flower beds mingle in the 120 acres of woods and lawns. The center of the Shrine is the Sorrowful Mother Chapel."

Sorrowful Mother Shrine Celebrates St. Teresa
This weekend the Ohio site will honor the Church’s newest saint
at a prayerful place highlighting many other holy lives ... ~`

City Attractions in Bellview, Ohio ~`

Fallen Soldiers Memorial; Bellevue Society for the Arts; North Coast Inland
Bike Trail; Twin Lakes Golf Course.

The Bellevue Area Tourism & Visitors Bureau ~`
On Another Note!

A friend of mine explained to me the importance
of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video
that explains how to do this and,
why you might wish to do this
if you are using apricot kernels for your health!

To my video:

Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy
