A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi there! This is ~~~Nancy!
Having faith and trust in God!
Other people told me about faith and trust in God. But it was only through necessity and practice that it became a reality for me!I learned by the example of others to have faith in God. Trust in God came to me through the practice of prayer and meditation.
Brought To My Knees!
Over the years in my 20's my life took a downward spiral! By the time that I was 30 years old my life had become totally out of control!
When I was just shy of becoming 31 years old I was brought to my knees by an addiction! I found a 12 step program, where I saw that other people were relying on a power greater than themselves to solve their troubles!
Alcoholism brought me to my knees!When I found that other people knew what they were talking about, I became willing to begin to trust in God. It was through the words and example of others that I came to believe this
Trust in God takes time!
I have heard many gospel and scripture readings in Sunday mass, but the words had not gone from my head to my heart!
Romans I Speaks Of Faith
I have learned that faith is not defined in the bible, however, there are many examples of people who have shown faith in God.
The way that I have experienced faith is that, the faith of others gave me knowledge of faith; but real trust in God's help came to me over time. ~`Promises of the Rosary
Trust In God
Today I can say that I trust in God. It was through several years of prayer and practice in meditative prayer, where I began to develop a trust in God for myself.
My prayer life started out in a small way, prayer on my knees in the mornings. And then again at night time before bed.
I was told that prayer is speaking to God and meditation is listening to God!
The Believer's Authority
You can see my video just below about something called the Believer's Authority.
I have come to understand that each of us has both the ability and the responsibility to pray! And this comes along with a knowledge that prayer works. That faith and trust in God is real and tangible!
I have come to understand that each of us has both the ability and the responsibility to pray! And this comes along with a knowledge that prayer works. That faith and trust in God is real and tangible!
The Video
... more below ...
By the way! Supplements will help teeth to heal faster. I've written out a listing of the supplements that I used. ~`to that page
On another note! Intermitant fasting, not eating in between meals can be one first healthy step in healing from any condition. ~`to this page
Please see my Preferred Products section below!
Please follow this link to see a Tee Shirt that I have designed on Amazon! ~~~Nancy
Please note! I'm not in medicine! I am a Cosmetologist and I'm interested in staying healthy through natural means! ~~~Nancy
On another note!
A friend of mine explained to me the importance of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health!
Preferred Products Magnesium Optimizer (w/Potassium) Fermented Cod Liver Oil Capsules Magnesium Glycinate Vitamin D3 w/K2 as Mk7 To Cover Page (Start)!
To my video: Soaking and Chewing Apricot Kernels! ~~~Nancy