Matt Cutts!

Your Health And Tech Friend


A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi everybody!

Matt Cutts served as the head of Google’s webspam
team for many years. Currently, he is the
acting administrator of the US Digital Service.

This is ~~~Nancy!

Why Matt Cutts?

I first came to know a man by the name
of Matt Cutts through my work online!

When I was studying to learn how to publish
and to grow my site on Google's search engine
I came to know Matt Cutts.

Here is a blurb from his bio:

Matthew Cutts is an American software engineer.
He is the former head of the web spam team at Google,
but is now working for the United States Digital
Service as the director of engineering ... more ...

What is it that interested me about Matt?
It is because I like his 30 day challenges!

See Matt's 30 Days video here below or at my
YouTube Channel! ~`

Here is an excerpt from Matt Cutts' blog:
"I hadn’t read the Bible in recent years, so it was enlightening to read it as an adult.
If I had to sum up the New Testament in a sentence,
it would be “do unto others as you would have them do
unto you” (the golden rule). However, for all the talk
about mercy and compassion in the New Testament
compared to the Old Testament, there was still quite
a bit of fire/brimstone/judging. I enjoyed reading some
books (e.g. Acts and Romans) that I didn’t remember much
From: Matt Cutts' 30 Day Challenge: ~`more

Matt is an accomplished man and he is
an inspiration to me!

Very recently March 2018, he lost his wife and
best friend Cindy.
She passed away suddenly, and unexpectedly. ~
My condolences to Matt and his family!

Peace Buttercups!

