My Spice And Oil Bath! | Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine

Hi! This is something kind of funny!

In the morning when I'm sitting down to pray (I say certain prayers every morning)

that is the time when ideas will flow into my mind;

This morning my mind was brought to a specific memory.

Recently I talked about the story of my first apartment, the first time I moved out from my parents home.

What happened with that: you'll have to see the video (below) to know~

Ever since I was pretty young (12 - 14) or around those ages, I've sought out different ideas for natural products and nature's ways for health. This surprises me because I'm not certain where I got the incite.

In that video I talk about the shampoo that I chose to use at that time; Earth Born shampoo.

In the commercial on television, that shampoo was said to have a low pH so it wouldn't damage your hair.


Where on earth did I get the idea to actually listen to that commercial; let alone to buy it~ but I did~

The story is ... continued on the next page ...

Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment and enlightenment. This magazine is not a source of medical help. Please use your individual discretion when reading articles within these pages which pertain to health. The health and medical articles are from a variety of sources. Please seek out the source of each article for the credentials of the author(s). Thank you, ~~~Nancy Gurish

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purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
It is not intended as medical advice or to replace the advice or attention of health care
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A Julialanan Production LLC | 2010 USA ~~~Nancy Gurish.