"Hello! In 2005 we were given our first desktop computer in our home! Wow!
For some wild unknown reason I took to that computer like a duck to water! A happy duck! Me - I would have been 49 years old at that time! In 2004 I had just finished up with a Cosmetology school and had just passed the State Cosmetology exam.
At the time I was working part time as a Cosmetologist...
In 1975 right after high school, at a community college, I'd taken two different computer programming classes, Cobol and Basic. I hadn't gone far in them and did not understand the languages at all!... ... continued ...
"My children have told me that many children in their classes own cell phones, which are allowed to remain turned on, whilst in the classroom. Whether these phones are set to ring or just vibrate is not the issue. If they are turned on, then they are transmitting (and receiving) to the nearest cell phone tower continually and emitting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) throughout the classroom.
My son has also told me that all the computers in the computer room are wireless. Again, as computers on a WiFi network are in the “ultra-high frequency range” and nearly up to the “super high frequency” range (see info below on radiation frequencies from NASA), this likewise is transmitting very high EMR to the children (and teachers) in that classroom.
When we were in Singapore in 2001, there was huge coverage in all the newspapers because 20-year-olds throughout the city were having heart attacks and they couldn’t figure out why. Then, someone figured out it was because it was the fashion at that time for young people to wear their cell phones on decorative cords around their necks. This meant that their cell phones were hanging right next to – you guessed it – their heart. So a warning went out in all the local newspapers, telling kids not to wear their cell phones on these cords. But funnily enough, no one I’ve spoken to in Canada (or the U.S.) ever heard about that. And no one thought about warning people not to wear their cell phones clipped to their belt, or in their pocket." ... continue to this page ... ~~~Nancy
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"A Saturday noon rosary
has been in my life for about a half of a year;
another rosary, on Wednesdays,
was added about 3 months ago. This past two weeks I've said a rosary each morning.
My life changed in a drastic way since I've had the rosary in my life. On a daily basis, the practice of
the rosary has brought a deep peace to me.
If you see other pages in this magazine - I talk about my life, the emotional disorder(s)
that I live with; as well as the alcoholism and food addiction I have lived with. That being said, I can tell you the rosary has brought more peace to me..."
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Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine is a magazine for entertainment
and enlightenment. This magazine is not a source of medical help.
Please use your individual discretion when reading articles within
these pages which pertain to health. The health and medical articles
are from a variety of sources. Please seek out the source of each article
for the credentials of the author(s). Thank you, ~~~Nancy Gurish
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