Your Health And Tech Friend

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Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine
Understanding and Light!
~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi everybody!
This is ~~~Nancy!

Hey Buttercups!

The Lifestyle section of my magazine deals with situations and circumstances that happen to all of us.

At one time or another in life, we share much in common! These past three months I received a speeding ticket on two occassions, from the same traffic camera!

This is something we can't change. There are going to be cops on certain corners, and at one time or another we get one! At least, I do! I got two in a 3 month period!

... continue below ...

So, if you didn't get one - I got it
for you! And it's no fun! $150.00 each time!

I've posted a video about it below! It's
at my YouTube channel in case you go there! ~:>

Peace Buttercups!

As usual, there will be a video below for you!
I will find an article also and a product for you
if one comes to mind!

Peace *Buttercups!

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About Life, Pictures from Pinterest!

"The Best Free Software for Your PC!"
Life can Be Hairy Sometimes! from Pinterest!

"It is striking how often people now speak of “a common humanity” in ethically inflected registers, or ethically resonant tones that express a fellowship of all the peoples of the earth, or sometimes the hope for such a fellowship.">

Taken from: The Converstaion! ~:>

This is a good silver, it comes with a dropper! ~~~Nancy

Soverign Silver! With a Dropper!
P.S. All silver is the same, if it's from a good company!

Note: I've already set up a page with my Laptop choices!
Take a look if you're in the market for a Laptop! I've used
quite a few! I like HP Laptops! ~(:)

Remember: I'm an Affiliate for a few companies, so I'd receive a small
commission for products purchased through my site! Thank you!
This helps me to keep writing and making YouTube videos! ~~~Nancy
