Lending I.D. Of Fifth Third Mortgage

For My Tax Purposes - I Found This Lending I.D. Number

nancy koncilja gurish

Your Health And Tech Friend

Nancy K. Gurish, Editor

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To Recap: I've found that the "Lending I.D. No." is the same as "Recipient's Federal ID Number 31-1197926

Please Note: I am not giving professional tax information: the information provided is from my Fifth Third Bank in Cleveland / Cincinnati, Ohio: make certain that this information suits your specifications. This ID number should also appear on your Form 1098 Mortgage Interest Statement from Fifth Third Mortgage: Madisonville Operation Center: Mail Drop 1MOC2N: Cincinnati, OH 45263 (800) 972-3030

Good Luck on your taxes! ~~~Nancy

In filling out my tax form on Tax Act: today - I could not find the Lender I.D. Number for Fifth Third Mortgage Company - the lending institution for my home mortgage. Searching through my mortgage papers I came to this Lending I.D. Number. Please make note that I am the editor of this Internet Magazine - Your Health and Tech Friend. I am not an employee - and not affiliated with Fifth Third Mortgage.

I performed this search to prepare my taxes: if this information helps you, I'm glad for that. Please make sure you have the correct number for your tax purposes. Sincerely, ~~~Nancy Koncilja Gurish, Editor

PLEASE NOTE: I am searching for this number: It is 2:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time: Please check back later this evening... I will keep looking! (Looking through the mortgage papers as I write!) ~~~Nancy

The branch of Fifth Third that I am working with is in Cleveland/Euclid, Ohio.

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