Argyria | My Knowledge And Experience ~~~Nancy

~~~ Does It Happen? How? What To Do? ~~~

I've Used Colloidal Silver Since 2006

My Own Experience With Argyria - My Video! The Whole Story! ~~~Nancy


Your Health And Tech Friend

"I have a large interest, and responsibility to be as informed as possible on the material I cover in my magazine. Colloidal Silver is a product of great interest to me. But, I keep learning because I keep researching. As an example, until I read the article - by Bob Beck, below: I knew that c.s. needs to be stored in dark containers, or it loses it's strength, however, I hadn't understood the importance of not allowing the c.s. to stand in the light... that it should be stored, immediately, in dark containers. The c.s., from what I read here, begins to react with light, from the moment it is finished processing. This is vital information in the responsible processing of Collodial Silver."

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Donations to The Cleveland Courage Fund for Gina, Michelle and Amanda of Cleveland Ohio.
Please help them to recover, with prayers, and donations if you are able. Thank you. Nancy

This video below is my own experience with 'Argyria!' ~~~Nancy

I found the article below, in my search tonight on the condition known as argyria. As the editor of Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine and as a maker, and user of the product colloidal silver, I have a large interest, and responsibility to be as informed as possible on the material I cover in my magazine. Colloidal Silver is a product of great interest to me. But, I keep learning because I keep researching. As an example, until I read the article - by Bob Beck, below: I knew that c.s. needs to be stored in dark containers, or it loses it's strength, however, I hadn't understood the importance of not allowing the c.s. to stand in the light... that it should be stored, immediately, in dark containers. The c.s., from what I read here, begins to react with light, from the moment it is finished processing. This is vital information in the responsible processing of collodial silver, and is something I will pay very close attention to from this moment on. I have let c.s. sit in the room-light, without storing for several days, just because I was too tired to strain it and store it. But, I will not do this in the future. I'm grateful for the people who share their information. I know that Bob Beck has a great deal of information on a Cancer Protocol and I look forward to learning more from him. ~~~Nancy Gurish

The following is an article by Bob Beck which has much information about a very interesting topic. With this page I am using this article as a source to describe the process and the condition known as argyria. This article explains exactly how argyria may happen, and how it will not happen. ~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

Bob Beck Protocol

Bob Beck Protocol

by R. Webster Kehr,
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

Important Note

This article is only a small part of the complete Bob Beck Protocol article.

Article #3: Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used for many centuries as an anti-microbial substance.

Colloidal silver is an excellent product which can be taken internally to kill microbes in the body. It is a key part of the four parts of the complete Bob Beck Protocol.

One of the concerns about taking colloidal silver is a skin condition called argyria. Argyria is a condition where the skin turns grey or blue-grey.

It is a real condition and it is difficult to reverse, but it is not caused by pure colloidal silver.

Let us define "colloidal silver" as: a solution made with pure silver wires (e.g. at least 99.95% pure silver), mixed with pure distilled water, and absolutely nothing is added to the water (i.e. no salt, no minerals, no nothing).

With this definition of colloidal silver, argyria is not possible. Argyria is caused by using silver compounds

(meaning non-silver molecules are mixed with the silver or something is mixed with the water). Essentially argyria is caused by impurities in the mixture.

If a silver compound is called "colloidal silver," the vendor doesn't know what they are doing and probably doesn't care. The problem is with poor vendors, not with true and pure colloidal silver. That is one major reason to make it yourself.

It is essential to use distilled water, distilled by water distillation, when making colloidal silver. Do NOT add salt or minerals to the water or it may cause the skin discoloration.

When the colloidal silver is made, if it is not consumed immediately (as soon as it cools down), it should be stored in a dark colored glass bottle and the glass bottle or jar must be stored in a dark place (but do NOT refrigerate it).

Silver will chemically react to light (technically it is more complicated than that).

NEVER, NEVER get your silver from a jeweler because their sterling silver has nickel and copper added to it!!

Using sterling silver can cause serious health problems. Silver nitrate and silver chloride should obviously be avoided since neither are pure silver.

However, a high quality silver nitrate or silver chloride can be used for short periods of time for special situations. For longer periods they can be used but only at low doses (i.e. the vendor should know the safe maximum doses).


can take the colloidal silver at any time of the day, except during the times you are taking the two electro-medicine treatments

(i.e. the blood purifier and the magnetic pulser).

To be more specific, you can take colloidal silver any time EXCEPT the time period of two hours BEFORE until 15 minutes AFTER the two electro-medicine treatments.

In other words,

do not take colloidal silver within two hours of starting the electro-medicine treatments,

do not take it during the electro-medicine treatments and do not take it for 15 minutes after the electro-medicine treatments.

It is not dangerous to take colloidal silver during the time excluded, but more of the silver will be utilized where it is needed if you do not take the colloidal silver during the electro-medicine treatments.

... to this page ...

(Please move here to this full text and source)


Another source for colloidal minerals

that I have used is the "Alchemist's Workshop." The minerals were sent promptly, and we have great success with them. The Colloidal Zinc: and "Colloidal Bone and Joint Support"are two mineral supplements which I've purchased from them more than one time. We have used these for a few purposes. One is for scoliosis help. Another help was with the skin, acne: "It helped a lot with my skin." That is a quote from a young girl that I know, regarding 'teenage pimples.' She was speaking of the Zinc. Specifically this Zinc from the Alchemist's Workshop. We have ordered it two or three times. The bone and joint support I will be purchasing again. So.... for those of you with these problem areas ..." ... to be continued ...

"... cancer is a perfectly natural process. A very small percentage of cells in every person who has ever lived turn cancerous. And the body usually gets rid of those cancerous cells before they do harm. This process has been going on for eons. It is only when more cancer cells are being created than the body can get rid of that the problem comes. ..." " ... the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements. Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes..." ... to this page ...

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