When I first came onto the internet in October of 2010 it was to
share my experience and the results that I was getting from using the
product called Colloidal Silver! ~`
"Healing Clays have been traditionally used as natural medicine ... Bentonite is one of the best of those healing clays and ...
A Magazine Series For Entertainment, Enlightenment and Enjoyment! ~~~Nancy
When it comes to health, there is one area that I've taken a great interest in.
And that would be for cancer, how to prevent it, and how to treat for it.
For one thing, I have found out that cancer is not a mystery! ~`
It is not the huge boogie man that we have been lead to believe it is!
... continue below ...
But it has taken, much time and study to understand this situation! ~`
One of the first steps to remaining cancer free is to get right with your food!
There are many sources of natural help for cancer! ~`
Devotional Doorway
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny..."
When it comes to growing spiritually, I find a difference between practicing my faith ~`
and, prayer and meditation in order to get a closer contact with God!
In my Spiritual Walkway Department ~`, I share about my spirituality in general ~`,
and in the Devotional Doorway Department ~`
I give my experience and my way of prayer through my faith. Through my church and the
devotions that I've learned from the Catholic faith. ~`
In particular, I do have a growing devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary! One of the ways
of connecting with God has been through a daily practice of saying the rosary! ~`
Soaking And Chewing Apricot Kernels! How to? And Why?
See the video here
I've written about using ~`apricot kernels for staying healthy
and for recovering from illness! It's the B17 that helps! ~~~Nancy
The use of
Apricot kernels
is just one of the many Health Solutions that I've found!
Black Seed Oil ~` and Colloidal Copper ~` are still two more of the substances
that I've come to know about, to use and to share my experience with!
A very long time ago I found that I had an interest in the stock market and investing! ~`
Business Technology~` is a section within Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine.
About Me | Nancy K Gurish"My name is Nancy- Hi! Welcome to Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine! | My magazine came to life in October of 2010 - at that time I'd had about four years of experience in using the product called colloidal silver. Other colloidal minerals had also come across my path in life. I'd successfully avoided colds, cold sores.... urinary tract infections and the flu, for myself and my family."