Growing up in the 1960's and 70's - in the neighborhood I came from gave me plenty of knowledge of the effects of substance abuse. So very many people at that time were involved in the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs.
"...Potassium sorbate has been used for a long time but has recently been very widely used in beauty products that have some kind of natural story about them. How natural is it? Potassium sorbate is the potassium salt of sorbic acid....
"...It is not a part of normal aging, says the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH contends that the cause of Alzheimer's is "not known." They say, "Prior theories regarding the accumulation of aluminum, lead, mercury, and other substances in the brain have been disproved." Don't believe that. Federal agencies have a talent for not finding environmental causes for many diseases. They live by the motto,
"One of the concerns about taking colloidal silver is a skin condition called argyria. Argyria is a condition where the skin turns grey or blue-grey. It is a real condition and it is difficult to reverse, but it is not caused by pure colloidal silver. Let us define "colloidal silver" as: a solution made with pure silver wires (e.g. at least 99.95% pure silver), mixed with pure distilled water, and absolutely nothing is added to the water ..." FDA's Opinion on 'Silver Products' ... to this page ...
Viral infections "There are
"...Standard cardiovascluar medicine has an answer at hand - usually, surgical procedures - to remove quickly obstructions - buildup of atherosclerotic plaque - from the diseased vessel walls and - "restore" impaired circulation. Unfortunately, all medical procedures carry with them the same main shortcoming: they do nothing to stop the underlying disease and its progression, so in time, new fatty narrowings or blockages occur in the arteries!..."
These environmental factors are of great importance for the general population. About 70% of strokes and 80% of heart attacks are potentially preventable by diet and lifestyle modifications, including nonsmoking, a healthy diet (low intakes of saturated and trans fat, low glycemic load, and adequate intakes of fruits and vegetables, cereal fiber, and unsaturated ..."
...don't give much thought to our arteries. That's especially true when we are young and think we can eat anything we want. But here's a news flash: plaque begins to build in your blood vessels during your teenage years. That means that most of us have a significant amount of plaque by the time we hit middle age..."
The most common health diseases