You will be redirected to the new location automatically in 5 seconds. Please bookmark the correct page! If you are not redirected, please follow here to a link to the General Index! ~~~Nancy
One of the unexpected results from taking colloidal silver in these past years has been not getting a cold sore. I'd get one on my lips a few times a year: it started to become two to three spots on my lips. Before a cold, and/or at stressful times in my life, the sore would begin to develop. After taking the silver, I just never got one: one time, when I was running low on silver, taking very little, and allowing myself to run nearly out; a cold sore began to develop. Very quickly I started a batch of silver, and using it topically on the lip, and sipping the silver throughout the day, for two to three days, I got rid of it. It is easier to avoid getting colds, flu and cold sores, than to ..."
My Video series following the treatment of a 'cancerous looking' skin mark
- using the product called Black Salve.
This product is much in the news; especially as, Hugh Jackman
| the Actor from Australia - has just used this product himself, ...
[Hello! This link will take you to my video series of treating
my cancer with the product called black salve! ~~~Nancy Koncilja Gurish!]
Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine
Departments | Sections
A Magazine Series For Entertainment, Enlightenment and Enjoyment! ~~~Nancy
- "A Broken Heart Someone can ask you - "How are you?" And you may answer, "Fine." But your heart is broken~~~"
- Cancer Index
"Welcome to Your Health And Tech FriendMagazine! Let me introduce myself to you: my name is Nancy Koncilja Gurish and I'm the editor of this magazine. An internet magazine. I'm having a lot of fun with this journey I'm on. I'm learning as I go, and I'll share what I learn with you and your family."
- Health Conditions Index
Addiction | Alzheimers / Thyroid | Cancer | Diabetes - Type II | Stiff Person's Syndrome etc....
- Cancer Topics
"...Cancer is the uncontrolled reproduction of cells in the body and the cells form a hard lump or tumor, which can then spread into other areas of the body. The exact reason why the cells do this is unknown; it is not understood why the cells are not receptive to the normal signal to stop reproducing."
- Devotional Doorway
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny..."
- Emotional Health
"...When we become physically ill or have an injury, we are generally quick to respond. We take over the counter medications, apply cold compresses, take vitamin C, and seek out medical attention, if needed. In general, we also take steps to ensure ongoing good physical health when we are feeling fine. We try to eat right, take vitamin supplements, get enough sleep and incorporate activity and exercise into ..."
- 'Food Friend' Topics
"Correction from a diseased state can happen in many ways. Changing your lifestyle, (I personally know that this is about the most difficult way in which to prevent disease.) In the last 10 years of life I quit a 15+ year cigarette smoking habit. Cigarettes were a large part of my life. I started back when it was truly 'cool' to smoke. That habit, for one, is ingrained in many parts of a person's being."
- Spiritual Health
"Walk with me on a spiritual walkway! The days in my life are more gentle; I'm very much more at peace with myself, other people and situations, as I grow spiritually. Meditation is one tool that I use. Praying the rosary is another. The rosary provides meditative benefits - and, gives me a solution to any difficulty in my life. There are many sources of help to grow spiritually..."
- Computer Technology
"...Singapore in 2001, there was huge coverage in all the newspapers because 20-year olds throughout the city were having heart attacks and they couldn't figure out why. Then, someone figured out it was because it was the fashion at that time for young people to wear their cell phones on decorative cords around their necks. This meant that their cell phones were hanging right next to - you guessed it - their heart. So a warning went out in all the local newspapers, telling kids not to wear their cell phones on these cords. But funnily enough, no one I've spoken to in Canada (or the U.S.) ever heard about that."
- Website Help
"...So where can you write to get those links? Guest posting is one way to build the incoming links. What websites have a similar or related topic that you could write a guest post for? I've collected a full list of websites to write at for incoming links that you can look through and select from. Contributing to any or all of these sites can be part of an important traffic building campaign."
- Home School Topics
"...The facts about home schooling aren't widely known. After all, there are probably more myths than factual information being spread by word of mouth. The truth about home schooling is probably a far cry from what people think it is all about...."
- Internet News
The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with ..."
- Life | Home | Entertainment
"This is a very different experience; waiting for the end, to me, is similar in some ways to waiting for the beginning. The dying process seems much like the birthing process. There's labor in the breathing, for some..."
- Your Health And Food Friend
"...A can of spam is opened every 6 seconds. Before Internet age, spam wasn't unsolicited email, it was of course a luncheon meat. It is so resistant to spoilage that, if kept in the closed can, it may well outlast eternity and will certainly live longer than human..."
- Your Health And Water Friend
"... but one simple, proven change we can make that will boost our heath is to drink approximately eight glasses of water a day. Depending on the size of your glass ... "
Is Multi-Tasking Reality - Or Just A Myth?
Welcome to Your Health And Tech FriendMagazine! Let me introduce myself to you: my name is Nancy Koncilja Gurish and I'm the editor of this magazine. An internet magazine. I'm having a lot of fun with this journey I'm on. I'm learning as I go, and I'll share what I learn with you and your family. I've got a You Tube Channel also.
are on many, many subjects that I believe are of interest and, or importance to most people. Topics range from natural healing; prevention of disease; spirituality; emotional health... and much more. I'm glad you found your way to my 'Front Page'! ~~~Nancy!
My life is "Lunatic Crazy" working in this 'website business' - Maybe you'll relate to my feelings in this video! Multi-tasking has become the norm for many people and I surely am one of them! ~~~Nancy
"People can't multi-task very well, and when people say they can, they're deluding themselves," (see this article below...)
scientists say. New research shows that we humans aren't as good as we think we are at doing several things at once. But it also highlights a human skill that gave us an evolutionary edge.
As technology allows people to do more tasks at the same time,
the myth that we can multi-task has never been stronger.
But researchers say it's still a myth - and
they have the data to prove it.
Humans, they say,
don't do lots of things simultaneously. Instead, we switch our attention from task to task extremely quickly.
A case example, researchers say, is a group of people who focus not on a BlackBerry but on a blueberry - as in pancakes.
Diner Cook: A Task Master
To make it as a short-order cook, you must be able to keep a half-dozen orders in your head while cracking eggs, flipping pancakes, working the counter, and refilling coffee cups.
And at a restaurant like the Tastee Diner, in Bethesda, Md., the orders come in verbally, not on a ticket.
Chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled with sausage, order of french fries, rye toast - they're small tasks. On a busy day, though, they add up to a tough job for Shawn Swinson. "My first month here, I was ready to walk out the door," he said.
Asked what it feels like when he's in the middle of rush hour, Swinson said, "Like you're in an insane asylum. It's almost unbearable."
Swinson has learned to handle the pressure. He's an island of calm, even when the orders are flying. But Swinson's boss, manager Frank Long, says very few people can keep up without losing their cool.
"It's singularly the most difficult job in this type of operation," Long said. "Four cooks. Five waitresses. Bus staff. Host. Getting them in and out."
Speed and accuracy are at a premium - especially when the customers are multitasking, too. Lunchtime is the worst, Long said.
"People may have an errand to run. Maybe go to the bank and pick up dry cleaning, and eat. All within an hour, whatever time they have."
It's all part of life these days. We
answer e-mails while yapping on the phone. We schedule appointments while driving and listening to the radio. And it seems as if we're focusing on all these tasks simultaneously,
as if we've become true masters of doing 10 things at once.
But, brain researchers say, that's not really the case.
Multitasking: A Human Delusion?
"People can't multitask very well, and when people say they can, they're deluding themselves,"
said neuroscientist Earl Miller. And, he said, "The brain is very good at deluding itself."
Miller, a Picower professor of neuroscience at MIT, says that for the most part, we simply can't focus on more than one thing at a time.
What we can do, he said, is shift our focus from one thing to the next with astonishing speed.
"Switching from task to task, you think you're actually paying attention to everything around you at the same time. But you're actually not," Miller said.
"You're not paying attention to one or two things simultaneously, but switching between them very rapidly."
Miller said there are several reasons the brain has to switch among tasks. One is that similar tasks compete to use the same part of the brain.
"Think about writing an e-mail and talking on the phone at the same time. Those things are nearly impossible to do at the same time," he said.
"You cannot focus on one while doing the other. That's because of what's called interference between the two tasks," Miller said. "They both involve communicating via speech or the written word, and so there's a lot of conflict between the two of them."
Researchers say they can actually see the brain struggling. And now they're trying to figure out the details of what's going on.
Please click on the heading to this full text and source!
Patient trusting in God is a fruit of the Holy Spirit in redeemed human lives... see this below!
, how I almost lost my mom, forever... Thank You God, that she is back home. ~~~Nancy
Hydration is one major key in our health; preventing and reversing disease! ~~~Nancy
Colloidal Silver, My Story | "At 6 yrs old I had a recollection from when I was 'table-high' about 4-5 years old, I was visiting at my best friend's house - in her basement. I remembered the sight of (an 80 + year old man) her Italian descent Grandfather, reaching in his pocket, pulling out a coin and flipping the coin into a coffee cup that was on the table in front of him. I wondered why that would have been..." |
Colloidal Silver, Information | "Most importantly, when I tried it, it worked like a charm. I drank several ounces, put several drops in each of my eyes and ears at bedtime (many infections enter the body at the eyes and ears) and used the spray pump to spray some colloidal silver into my throat while inhaling deeply at the same time in order to get the micro-particle silver solution down into my lungs (kinda like a makeshift nebulizer)..." |
About Me | Nancy Koncilja Gurish"My name is Nancy- Hi! Welcome to Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine! | My magazine came to life in October of 2010 - at that time I'd had about four years of experience in using the product called colloidal silver. Other colloidal minerals had also come across my path in life. I'd successfully avoided colds, cold sores.... urinary tract infections and the flu, for myself and my family."
How does EVDO compare to other technologies? The best aspect of EVDO (to most users) is the mobility it offers, but EVDO is also FAST!" ... Please click on the heading to this article ...
quality of the food supply is very poor
, being grown in depleted soil, transported long distances, stored, processed, and packaged. There is very little nutrition left in such food. Yet high
quality nutrients are required by the body to keep it free of cancer.
Food is a lot more than just calories. It is the bedrock of the body's defence, so only the highest quality,
most nutrient packed food should be eaten. High quality food is not about what tastes the best,
but what
will make you feel the best.
It is up to us to be as proactive as we can when dealing with what life has offered if we hope to retain our health..."; ... continue to this page ...
"That is imagining a color and breathing it deep in the lungs. Such as imagining pink and breathing it to feel universal love.
Or one could meditate on pink to feel the universal love. Or drink water charged with color, using light or a gemstone or crystal. You can then be 'in the pink'. Just don't 'see red', or 'feel blue'. We know we should include all colors of vegetables in our diet to stay healthy.
It is believed by some people that music has color.
Each note vibrates with a shade of color."
Accepting others... ourselves, and our circumstances, just as they are ... ~~~Nancy
| "Our very first problem is to accept our present circumstances as they are, ourselves as we are, and the people about us as they are. This is to adopt a realistic humility without which no genuine advance can even begin. Again and again, we shall need to return to that unflattering point of departure. This is an exercise in acceptance that we can profitably practice every day of our lives. Provided we strenuously avoid turning these realistic surveys of the facts of ..."
North East Entrance
"Through the use of the personal computer I began researching scoliosis to help my daughter. We found much help. I found the SpineCore Scoliosis brace which I'll be certain to talk about. It is a wonderful brace which has helped a great deal. I found colloidal silver and other colloidal and angstrom size minerals. My family has used the colloidal silver since 2006. And liquid minerals to help strengthen bones, joints, and build and..."
First Floor Entrance
"Google and Google AdSense have both been very good to me, as a website publisher. I've been earning AdSense since February 2012 - I wrote below, on this page, how very grateful I am to be working for myself. It is one year later, and I am still so very grateful.."