Life And Home YHTF!

Your Health And Tech Friend


Life And More! ~~~Nancy

Listing Of Topics!

A Julialanan Production LLC USA An Internet Magazine
Hi! everyone!

This is ~~~Nancy from YouTube!

Life has it's twists and turns and
generally we can experience many of the
same circumstances in life! As people, we have
much more in common than we have differences!

Live life on life's terms!
Do it to the best of your ability!

Live - Love and Laugh!
Try and do a few of these things
each day! Living one day at a time
is very helpful as well!

Peace Buttercups!

~~~Nancy Gurish ☁️☁️☁️

See my Amazon store!☁️☁️☁️
My Tooth Healing Supplement List☁️☁️☁️!

Products ⁣to shop☁️☁️☁️
Vitamin C w/Bioflavonoids
Hydrolyzed Collagen
Apricot Kernels

On another note: A friend of mine explained to me the importance of soaking and chewing apricot kernels.
I've put together a video that explains how to do this and, why you might wish to do this if you are using apricot kernels for your health! ~~~Nancy Gurish

... to the video ...

Hi there! During the past six years my lifestyle has changed quite a bit.
It used to be that I was quite an active person. My main choice in exercise was walking
- but I'd pretty much left this behind in these past years.
So - I've initiated a Walking Campaign with my friends at my YouTube channel!
I'd like you to join in also! It's been invigorating.
Please join us! Get fresh air and get healthy! ~~~Nancy

To My Vitamin Listing!
My use and experience! ~~~Nancy
