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Walk with me on a spiritual walkway! The days in my life are more gentle; I'm very much more at peace with myself, other people and situations, as I grow spiritually. Meditation is one tool that I use. Praying the rosary is another. The rosary provides meditative benefits - and, gives me a solution to any difficulty in my life. There are many sources of help to grow spiritually which I will provide for your benefit, in this section of Your Health And Tech Friend. May you find spiritual help for yourself and your loved ones. Good spiritual health promotes physical, and mental and emotional health and healing! I've found this to be very true in my life.God bless you and your family. May you find peace now! ~~~Nancy

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We Need Spiritual Roots...

"Family Roots"...

I don't watch much television anymore, but yesterday I also saw an episode of (Dr. Oz) .... my parents watch Dr. Oz and I go to their house. Among the guests were a couple of women who 'the experts' said were lacking some sort of feelings of self-worth, and advised things such as screaming; and self-talk, and ... all of these external things. What I saw in the two women was a

lack of anything substantial in their 'spiritual make-up'.

No foundation to them. I'm certain now, that they no doubt have no 'mineral' foundation; however, those women and, I believe our country; and our world - lack a spiritual foundation.

(Please click on the heading to this full text and source!)

The Rosary is the Weapon

Canonized on Father's Day of this past year, the Spiritual Father of the Blue Army, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, was known to have said,

"The Rosary is the weapon!"

During the "Year of the Rosary" we will celebrate the 120th Anniversary of Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical, Supremi Apostolatus Officio, in which Pope John Paul II noted that this "Pope of the Rosary" proposed the Rosary as

"an effective spiritual weapon

against the evils afflicting society." In the official Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, the front page headline of the year's October 2' edition was:

"Pray the Rosary as a Weapon of Peace."

(Please click on the heading to this full text and source.)

Below is my video on the relationship of crime to lack of spiritual health in the world: and poor health, and disease as related to the poor food quality in this world. Our poor poor world is spiritually and nutritionally bancrupt. What will help? Prayer? Meditation? Spirituality? ~~~Nancy

"A Saturday noon rosary

has been in my life for about a half of a year;

another rosary, on Wednesdays,

was added about 3 months ago. This past two weeks I've said a rosary each morning. My life changed in a drastic way since I've had the rosary in my life. On a daily basis, the practice of

the rosary has brought a deep peace to me.

If you see other pages in this magazine - I talk about my life, the emotional disorder(s) that I live with; as well as the alcoholism and food addiction I have lived with. That being said, I can tell you the rosary has brought more peace to me...")

Some inspirational help for prisoners...

A prayer for prisoners is below. God grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can, and; wisdom to know the difference. "... Hear our prayer which rises to You from within these walls and which longs to express to You our affection, our sorrow, and the great need we have of You in our tribulations - above all, in the loss of freedom which so distresses us. For some of us, there is probably a voice in the depths of conscience which says we are not guilty; that only a tragic judicial error has led us to this prison. In this case, we will draw comfort from remembering that You, the most August of all victims, were also condemned despite Your innocence. Or perhaps..."


The idea of a process or journey of self-discovery

and of learning not only who you are, but who you want to be. The challenge of reaching beyond your current limits. This can include keeping an open mind, questioning current beliefs, or trying to better understand others' beliefs.
A connectedness to yourself and to others. Spirituality is personal, but it is also rooted in being connected with others and with the world around you. This connection can facilitate you finding "your place in the world." Meaning, purpose, and direction. Spirituality, while it doesn't necessarily solve or reach conclusions, often embraces the concept of searching and moving forward in the direction of meaning, purpose, and direction for your life. A higher power, whether rooted in a religion, nature, or some kind of unknown essence. ... to this article ...


  " steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own

  • to use (another's production) without crediting the source
  • to commit literary theft
  • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.

But can words and ideas really be stolen?..."

move to this text...


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