Sign of Artery Trouble?

Your Health And Tech Friend


An Earlobe Crease! ~~~Nancy

~~~Nancy Gurish, Editor

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Hi! everyone!

An earlobe crease can indicate trouble with the
blood flow in our bodies! It's a good thing to
know as much as we can about our health!

The arteries get blocked by calcium, and
cholesterol and other debris!
An important supplement that helps arteries
is Vitamin D3, but it works best with K2!

Peace Buttercup! Check out my
Buttercup Community on Facebook! ~(go)

On Another Note:
Artery tissue can be repaired! Arteries
are made of connective tissue!
To this page: ~`

Another article:

21 Foods That Naturally Unclog Your Arteries!
From: Natural Living Ideas!

From: :The Heart-Head Connection ~(to)
